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You Are Your Family Keeper
Apr 20, 2022

​Join Vania C. Bynum & Twanda Hill for their monthly podcast. This month's theme is You are Your Family Keeper! The days of having a traditional matriarch or patriarch in families are slowly disappearing. Join these sistahs as they share views on how to sustain and support families today.​

Honoring Women
Past, Present, Future
March 23, 2022

This month's topic honors Women of the Past, Present & Future. Special guests included Dr. Maxine Mimms, Rev. Laverne Hall & Fatimah Mateen.

Words Matter
Nov 17, 2021

Words can heal and words can destroy. What you say and how you say it can uplift or tear down a person’s spirit. How do you manage your words?

Laughter is the BEST Medicine September 15, 2021

Life is full of challenges on many levels and sometimes you just need to step back and find the humor. How do we find humor when things are tough? Laughter is the best medicine!! It has been proven to release endorphins, the natural feel good chemicals in our body. This release aids in fighting diseases and reducing stress, which in the long run increases our life span.

Honoring Ourselves
August 18, 2021

We celebrated our moms, dads and grads! But, what about ourselves?  Where does self care and self-love fit into the schedule? So often we pour all of our energy into others, and we are left unfulfilled.  In this episode, we discuss the importance of balance and taking time to fill your OWN cup.   When you are riding on empty, everyone who is along for the ride gets stuck.  Caring for yourself ensures that you can share your love with others.

Dad’s, Grads, and Juneteenth
June 16 and 30

Juneteenth is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States.  Dating back to 1865, it was on June 19th that the Union soldiers, led by Major General Gordon Granger, landed at Galveston, Texas with news that the war had ended and that the enslaved were now free.

Father's play an important role in our lives, and sometimes they are overlooked. "From their role in prenatal care, to how they play, communicate and act as role-models for their kids,.. loving, engaged fathers have been shown to have a tremendous impact on how a child grows up. They are truly irreplaceable.  In this episode, we celebrate our Fathers/Father figures and their contributions to our lives as we share Daddy Doctrines from our community, 

Momma Said!
May 19

As we continue to celebrate Mothers in May, do you remember what your Momma said? Moms play a unique roll in our lives and the things they said stay with you forever. Come and remember with us....


"Come visit don't mean come stay"

"Stop crying before I give you something to cry about"

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